Cassonian's Online Grimoire©
Welcome to Cassonian online. This is a site filled with information for people who are interested in becoming a witch or just want to study. Please browse through my site and have fun!
Cassonian online is meant for people who are interested in becoming a witch for other reasons than revenge. Please if you are like that you shouldn't be studying at all.
My New Counter :)
My counter was deleted, but it was well over 3000!!
Thank you so much!
Since 2/22/00
**Title** = new page
§Title§ = updated
\Main Pages/
HTML Version
This is my special collection of spells from all around and my own.
Some times the HTML version is updated quicker than the flash version, so check out both just to make sure :) thanks
The spells that I wrote have my power in them and please use them only for the purposes of good. Blessed Be!
Flash Version
This is my special collection of spells from all around and my own.This is the version I created with Macromedia flash, nothing special just an animated interactive book! :)
The spells that I wrote have my power in them and please use them only for the purposes of good. Blessed Be!
This is a page for the poets out there. Read my original poems and post your own.
This is a page has a fragment of correspondences of magickal properties
§Astrology§ COMING SOON!!
This page is to inform you about the Salem witch trials.
This page is filled with astrology facts for the Zodiac Signs, Planets, and Constellations. This page also includes Daily horoscopes by
Here is a page dedicated to the power of candles. Information, and spells, check it out!
This page tells of all my recommended books for witches. If you click on the book you want, you will be able to order it. Being Updated
This page is for the awards i have won, for my site.
Just view it if you like, i really don't know what to say in a situation like Kerris
This page tells about me and what I think, so please read it. Why do people always assume that I am a woman? I mean can be witches too!!!
This page tells you my address and e-mail to contact me.
This is a page of questions that you can ask and I will try my best to answer them.
Here is a page that has banners to sites that has been submitted to me
\Information Pages/
This page is all about informing you about Wicca and all it has to offer. Still working on this one!!! lots of info
This is the Wiccan rede. Poem dedicated to the ways of the witch
I Invoke Thee
This is my editorial about myself and male witches. I'm a witch, and I'm a guy! :)
So just deal...
This page contains invocations I have found for dieties like the moon goddess and Diana. More to come
\The Charges/
Charge of the great Goddess. I have a version of this in my BoS but I feel this one is better
Charge of the wonderous God, the Great Father.
Very nice
Charge of the Dark Goddess. Many fear anything of the "dark" aspect, but you have to understand, darkness is a part of you...and so is she
Charge of the Dark God. He seems to be the most feared among the aspects...he is death, he is the end, but, he is peace
\Fun Pages/
In dedication to Valentine's Day, I have created my thoughts, feelings and emotions about love...and some fun stuff to go along!
This is a page to view some of my artwork..and some of my friends. Post your own :)
Here is a collection of graphics and backgrounds i have created
This page is filled with music that I have picked out for you to listen to. Just click the play button and listen to all I have to offer. Enjoy!
Magick talismans for your website! Personalized for the webmaster, check it out!