Candle Omens-print
Ah, the omens and superstitions of the candle. To my surprise there are a lot of them. My only advise, if one does not believe, one cannot be affected! Here's my own omen! "If you light a candle, you will be lucky forever!" Don't think it's true? just believe....

Bad Luck:
A drip of wax down the side of a candle at a seance presages bad luck or death to the person nearest to that side.

It is considered unlucky to fall asleep with a candle burning

If a candle falls and breaks in two, double trouble will come to you!

A candle left to burn itself out will bring misfortune. (This one I don't understand because some spells call for the candle to fully burn out on its own...who knows)

It is considered unlucky to gaze into a mirror by candlelight, especially on All Hallows Eve.(I think this one is a duh, if you stare into a mirror without any natural light..or man made..on All Hallows Eve, you might let a spirit be able to possess's also kinda scary hehe )

If a candle suddenly goes out by itself, it is an omen of a death in the family.

If a candle flame gutters and causes grease to form in a winding sheet, it is a death omen for whoever is sitting nearest to it.

If a candle flame burns blue, it is an omen of death in the offing.

To dream of a black candle is an omen of death or illness.

To dream of a white candle is an omen of true love.

If a young woman sees two white candles in a dream, it is a sign that she will soon receive a proposal of marriage.

A red candle that appears in a dream symbolizes passion and sexual desire.

To dream of five candles is an omen of love and marriage.

To dream of a candle in a holder is an omen of a happy and prosperous future.

To dream of a candleholder without a candle in it foretells sorrow and misfortune.

Ghost of Evil Spirits:
A blue light from a candle is a sign that good spirits are nearby.

A tall straight flame on a candle during a seance is a sign that a spirit is present.

In Ireland, it is an old funeral custom to light 12 candles around a corpse to protect the soul of the deceased from evil forces, for it is believed that ghosts and demons cannot cross into a circle of lighted candles

Always light candles at moments of birth, marriage and death to ensure that evil spirits are kept at bay during these crucial times.

Light a brown candle on the eve of Candlemas for protection against evil spirits, ghosts and sorcerers.

Place a lighted candle inside a carved-out pumpkin on All Hallows Eve to keep evil spirits and demons away.

Good Luck:
In Sicily, fisherman burn ornate candles to their patron saint to obtain blessings and protection.

A bay berry-scented candle burned all the way down will bring "good luck to the home and gold to the pocket"

Kill a moth flitting about a candle flame to bring good luck into your life

Light a brown candle in each room of your house on Candlemas Eve to attract good luck and keep away bad spirits and negativity.

Light a new white candle in a new house to bring good luck and happiness to the home.

Holiday Candles:
Candles on a Christmas tree ensure year of light, warmth and plenty for the family.

Lighting candles in the window ant Christmas time originates in the idea that they lit the way for the Holy Family on their way to Bethlehem.

A red candle burned on the eve of Yule ensures prosperity of the coming year.

A wish will be fulfilled if all the candles on  a birthday cake are blown out in one breath.

Love and Marriage:
A pink candle burned on St. Valentine's Day will bring true love.

A burning candle placed in a window will ensure the safe return of a lover.

Accidentally knocking a candle out is a lucky sign that there will be a wedding in the near future.

Light a white candle on your wedding day to ensure a long and happy marriage.

If a candle on your wedding day to ensure a long and happy marriage.

If a candle suddenly goes out by itself during a wedding ceremony, the marriage will surely end in sorrow.

To make a lover come to you, stick tow pins through the middle of a red candle at midnight and when the candle burns down to the pins, the lover will arrive.

An old wedding custom in Brittany and Alsace is to light candles before newlywed couple and the candle that burns out first indicates whether the bride or the groom will die first

To test the fidelity of a lover, according to a rural American custom, light a candle outdoors near his or her house. If the flame burns towards you or your lover's house, your lover is faithful. If not, your lover is faithless.

To reclaim the affections of a lost lover, thrust two pins or needles through the wick of a burning candle as you say out loud the name of your lover.

Light a green candle on a night of the new moon to attract money.

To light a candle from the fire will prevent you from ever growing rich.

If a candle will not light, a storm is brewing.

If the flame of a candle gutters and waves in a room where there is no wind or draft, it is an omen that bad weather of some kind is imminent

If the flame of a candle burns blue, it is a sign of frost

A blessed candle from a Candlemas rite can be used to conjure storms.

A candle with a tall straight flame indicates the arrival of a stranger

A candle showing a bright spark indicates that the person sitting opposite will receive a letter.

According to old French and German beliefs, only a girl who is "pure" can blow back into a life a candle that is sputtering and dying.

A Medieval Belief was that a lighted candle placed between the horns of a goat could make the devil appear. (odd really)

According to Slavonic tradition, only a priest can light three candles at the altar. For an ordinary layman to do so would lead to the greatest misfortune.

Churches only used beeswax candles because it was believed that bees came from paradise.

A lighted candle (the Hand of Glory) positioned between the fingers of a corpse's hand, traditionally a hanged criminal, was believed to possess various magickal powers such as opening locked doors, making the dead speak and freezing people in their footsteps. (whoa! gotta try that one! NOT!)